
radiohead and subsequent feelings

It's obvious. Radiohead put on the best show I've ever seen; this did not surprise me. They have ways with light and sound. Their songs, for some reason, affect said listener in a way other music does not do often. It makes you want to be a better person but also commit suicide, all in the same drink. Above all though, it fuels your creative psyche to the point of annoyance. As I witnessed their performance the question of self-legitimacy constantly clouded my conscience though not my vision, thank the heavens. Their songs are deep and not just in the emotional sense. The technical savvy they marry with the lyrics and ideas of a song is breathtaking. 60,000 people were at the show and I bet my last whatever that the ones who weren't too drugged out on drugs they thought they needed to take to enjoy Radiohead would agree that the show was life altering. It presented a new perspective. The connection they showed to their music was humbling. Why haven't I tried that in some degree? Why haven't I risked everything for the sake of artistic expression? Two reasons: I need to occasionally eat and I'm not British. But the thought of it was planted again after this show and I can't help but relish in the reassuring thoughts of artistic ecstasy.  Who needs to eat anyway? All we really need is water. And apparently Radiohead.