
dumb problem

I'm sick, which is never fun. But the one thing that was going to make this day was the arrival of my Netflix DVD. They sent me an email yesterday stating that it would be here today, and they are almost never wrong. Case in point, this DVD did arrive today; the only problem is that it's in my next door neighbor's mailbox.  I can see it through the metal grate and it specifically says: Jordan Pearson, followed by my address, but the stupid mail man apparently cannot differentiate between the #1 and the #2.  This skill is hard, and obviously not one required by the USPS.  I wonder if Bukowski ever had this problem? Probably not.

I guess this scenario mirrors most of my, and probably many others, life. What I want to obtain is right in front of me (I can see it!) and yet there is no way, short of doing something illegal, that I can get it until my neighbor comes home from work and opens his stupid mail box.


Anonymous said...

yous is sick mr pearson. yous is sick.

Anonymous said...

i have a dumb problem, my boyfriend never seems to post blogs...what do you think i should tell him?