
allergic to life...

Or at least it seems that way.  Apparently I offended my nose earlier in my life some way and it's now kicking my ass and taking names.  No amount of drugs (over the counter) can stop its rampant destruction over my life.  Yesterday it decided to zero in on my eyes.  All day they burned like hell in my sockets and if this turn of events was to become a movie the climax came last night.  I was watching The Sopranos and suddenly, without warning, six different needles of pain attacked my right eye.  I was ninety percent sure my eye was going to explode in my head. After about two minutes the pain subsided; I was not sad to see it go.  However, my tear duct decided to put on a water show because for the next five minutes it ran like a faucet. Nonetheless, I got through it and was able to finish watching The Sopranos; I'm proud of myself. 

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