
lack of enthusiasm

The other day I was at the grocery store with my girlfriend.  As she debated the prices of Lunchables I wandered off and found myself in the "liquor area." There, I became entangled in a economic/mathematical investigation of beer prices and their respective ounce counts.  While wedged in between a cabinet with "expensive" liquors and a display of Budweiser (king of beers, yeah, right) I spotted an old friend/someone I haven't spoken to in almost a year.  Usually, and always without default, I immediately dive for the nearest cover in these situations.  But it was late in the day; I was tired, and maybe my judgement was poor; I said "hello."  Damn it!  No escaping the inevitable now.  A double take was taken and thus began the far too awkward conversation that everyone has had: People cut each other off; they stand, smiling, for long periods of awkward silence; they speak of weather patterns.  This is what many people do and I never know why.  No intelligible information is obtained and people often leave with embarrassing tastes in their mouths.  I never do this, ever, except for the other day, and I don't know why.  But never again, ever!  Or at least not tomorrow.

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